Trabajadores del Tango Danza
An association to dignify our profession and promote our rights

TTD (Trabajadores del Tango Danza) was born in 2017 as a response to the publicly known labour conflict in which the renowned dancer and choreographer Juan Carlos Copes was going through a delicate state of health and lacked the adequate means to be treated. This situation led us to raise awareness and discuss the precariousness of our working conditions as actual workers.
We are officially a non-profit civil association that brings together mainly tango dancers, teachers, directors and choreographers, but also milonga organisers, photographers, music makers and tango shoes and clothing designers.
Our activities are aimed at the whole community, so we are also joined by amateurs and milonga dancers, with whom we meet in an embrace, on a dance floor, at a show, dancing in a neighborhood street or in theatres, working in Argentina or abroad. We include all the participants of the tango world who want to organise themselves to improve the working conditions of the sector.
In all of our debates and actions, we take into consideration a federal vision of tango culture with a gender perspective in our speeches and activities. In addition, we advocate those projects and issues that have to do with the inclusion of disabled people and people with functional diversity. We work for everyone: we understand that actions are collective and for the whole community.

To recognise ourselves as tango and dance workers and to defend our rights as such. To emphasise this awareness both in our sector in particular and in the whole community in general.
To promote and provide tools for research, training and pedagogical development for our teaching activity as well as for all other activities that generate culture.
To spread the culture of tango in order to strengthen the community both nationally and internationally, taking into account that the genre is practised all over the world. We emphasize that the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) declared tango an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2009.